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Bundle: SUSTAIN ME + Self Heal By Design by Barbara O’Neill - Paperback

Bundle: SUSTAIN ME + Self Heal By Design by Barbara O’Neill - Paperback

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Sustain me + Self Heal by Design limited edition bundle


Do you ever feel drained of energy, as if your body is breaking down or not working to it's full potential?
Are you feeling overwhelmed with problems and illness?

Regain control of your health and learn to work with the natural healing forces God created to maintain equilibrium and prevent disease.

The body, and the body only, has the power to heal, and it will, if given the right conditions.

Backed by decades of research and practice, Barbara O’Neill shares these nine simple foundational health pillars, that form the acronym SUSTAIN ME.

Easy-to-understand guide consisting of 343 pages and full colour graphics and a roadmap to lasting health.

  • Unlock the body's natural healing potential: Discover the nine foundational pillars of health, forming the acronym SUSTAIN ME, that will guide you towards optimal well-being.
  • Embrace a holistic lifestyle: Learn how simple yet powerful changes in your diet, sleep, stress management,and more can have a profound impact on your health.
  • Explore natural remedies: Find safe and effective alternatives to conventional medicine with Barbara's guidance on using herbs and other natural solutions.


No quick fix solutions are found here, only sustainable lifestyle changes designed to give your body all it needs to:

  • Take control of your well-being
  • Prevent illness and promote natural healing
  • Experience more energy
  • Enjoy a life of vitality


Barbara's experience, knowledge and common sense style of lecturing have made her a popular and sought after speaker in Australia and internationally.

Self Heal By Design provides fascinating insights into the role micro-organisms play in our health and well-being. 

As we learn more about the microbiome and its importance, this book explains how we can nurture the microbes that support us. It explores the dynamic relationship between micro-organisms and the human body, and how traditional diets and modern lifestyles have disrupted this relationship with consequences like inflammation and disease.



Barbara O'Neill is a highly sought after health lecturer whose common sense approach to health problems are striking a cord with audiences all over the world. Barbara's health advice has touched the lives of millions of people, and brought relief to many suffering individuals as they embrace the simple and powerful laws of health.

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